Why I’m choosing to lose 6%-9% of my income in 2025

No matter what type of videos they make, creators all want viewers to have enjoyable experiences when watching their videos. Why are we actively hurting this?

Creators all have one thing in common

No matter what type of videos they make, creators all want viewers to have enjoyable experiences when watching their videos. 

Enjoyable experiences result in:

  • longer watch time
  • repeat viewers
  • happier viewers 🙂
  • more subscribers
  • more viewers becoming fans

This is what the algorithm wants. That’s what creators want.

I’m prioritizing that above everything else.

The danger in implementing mid-roll ads

YouTube showed that I would earn 6% – 9% more revenue by showing mid-roll ads. Imagine a viewer is watching a video when all of a sudden…


They’ve just been hit with multiple mid-roll ads. Then…


They get another wave of mid-roll ads.

How can they have an enjoyable experience when they’re constantly getting disrupted and annoyed by mid-roll ads?

Not only that, but those mid-roll ads have created perfect moments for the viewer to abandon the video entirely. Hurting watchtime, retention, and turning away possible new subscribers.

When audiences find their viewing experience isn’t serving them…

They’re out.

I’ve seen viewers express their frustration in the comment sections of channels I work with.

I might be wrong

I’ve had conversations with brands and creators about implementing mid-roll ads. The general sentiment is, “It’s common to have mid-roll now, so it’s less of an issue.”

Maybe I’m alone in thinking all this.

“Do mid-roll ads create a better viewing experience?” I follow up with.

“Well… no.” they reply.

“Do you think it’s possible audiences abandon your videos when a mid-roll ad appears?”

“Hmm maybe. I guess that’s when they’d leave. But does it matter?

The real question to ask

Right now, getting my viewers to enjoy and continue watching more content is my priority.

I’m happy to pay the 6%-9% if it means moving my channel toward more growth.

The real question is: do enough people abandon the video to justify the revenue? Is the growth worth the cost?

What do you think?

Until next time.

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